Monday, December 15, 2014

What idea do you have that would touch lives? Check out what this guy did

I was introduced to the group, practice kindness (PK), in late December 2013 when a friend of ours had been gifted through their generosity (Video Here).  Then one day as I was in my neighborhood I saw a "practice kindness" sticker on a vehicle and thought, “Is it possible that these people may be in MY neighborhood?!  What if I could learn more about them?”  Curiosity stirred me as a story seemed to beg to be told...

First I discovered that YouTube was alive with moments of giving by the group and that Facebook was well over 1.5k likes (now it is over 7.5k!).  However, as much as I tried - I could not discover who, or whom, was behind such organized acts of kindness.  The videos showed many faces, but not a single person seemed to represent the group and nor could I link it to an organization.  Undaunted I reached out with a message through their Facebook page, holding hope that someone would respond.

A response DID come and later - an agreement to meet me over breakfast!  Turns out... they were 'sort-of' in my neighborhood.

Driving to the breakfast meeting I anxiously repeated my interview questions, while simultaneously expressing thankfulness (however, did I manage to convince PK to meet with me?). Yet all professionalism was forgotten when I met the one who took an idea that began as a personal reminder and helped it become something that has touched hundreds of lives.

Sitting down across from the man who agreed to meet me, I was impressed with two immediate things:
1) This man was genuine. There was nothing about him that hinted at a sense of grandiose importance.  He genuinely - was. just. himself.  He was authentic and open.
2) His smile was infectious.  When a smile took over his face and caused the light in his eye to twinkle, it felt like one was looking at a person who loved life with true appreciation and gratitude.  And it is from this place - true appreciation and gratitude - that he wanted to do something that would remind him 'to be kind'.


How it began

One restless day he decided to create a reminder for himself to practice kindness toward others; something he would see every day. The ‘reminder’ turned out to be incredibly simple.

PK beginning With his 'reminder' car sticker on the back of his truck, he felt one small step closer to being the type of person he wanted to be.  However after only a short time he began to sense that there was something more to this ‘reminder’ and that it was about more than just him...  Feeling inspired he printed hundreds of stickers and started sharing them with others; for free. (You can get your own sticker here.)

Than the crisp fall air came and with it inspiration whispered again.  This time he began to see an idea that would touch people in a truly kind, gentle, and yet powerful, way.  Reaching out to a few close friends he shared the idea and asked, "Would you like to help by donating?"  Imagine his surprise when his friends said yes, though not with a few dollars - rather they said 'yes' with hundreds of dollars.

The Idea

The idea was to walk up to completely random people in shopping centers during the holidays - a time of year that is tender and sensitive to many for reasons that can range from financial to family, and offer to purchase the entire contents of their carts.  Supported by others, the vision of PK began to materialize and people all over the world saw the tender care of kindness ripple across numerous lives.

As more and more people began to learn about it, he found so many were asking to donate money to help him; kids were asking if they could be a part of it; and people all over the country were asking him to help start something in their own hometown. He began to realize in a truer and more connected way what he always knew – that the world needs kindness.

Who is this man?

The man is Dale and today Dale and his volunteers have turned what was just an idea with lots of heart and spirit into a non-profit organization so that the act of practicing kindness can continue to be a gentle touch that influences our world.

The fact is that we need kindness because we all want to feel like people care about us and we want to feel safe with those around us.  Kindness touches that need and helps create a sense of security around that want.

1962594_730847520323596_8224611069762458215_n“practice kindness” through the actions of those who will support it by administration, volunteering of time or materials, and /or donations of goods, services, and finances are going to help us all feel better about our world.

Thank you team ‘PK’!!


When I reflect on what I learned by meeting Dale I would have to share that two of the most transforming things are:
  • Inspiration is a gift and with it - we can potentially touch hundreds of lives. Believe in you and follow where inspiration may lead.
Look at how a simple car sticker ‘reminder’ turned into something that has touched so many people. And it continues to ripple across the world, giving breath to the encouragement to lead an aspiring life and practice kindness.
  • We cannot do it alone.
None of what PK has done has been one person, there has been a community of people who have believed in Dale, the ideas he shared, and then supported the ideas however they could.  So when you are inspired, find your community.  Together you may just be the next 'PK'.

PK is getting ready to begin another season of giving and they could use some help.  Take a moment to CLICK HERE and see how you can help 'practice kindness'.

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